Friday, 16 January 2009


Word up. I was just faffing around on my profile and spotted this little stat.

User Stats

On Blogger Since November 2008
Profile Views 15

Firstly, I've been here 3 months and I'm yet to post a blog. Secondly, who are these 15 people who have been viewing my nothingness?
These two things have led me to decide one thing; I am going to write a blog for those 15 viewers to view...
I need a cup of tea first. And to put some trousers on.

Right, sorted. Perhaps I should start by telling you about myself? My name is Ben, I am 8 days away from being 23 and a graduate of Creative Writing (easy, micky mouse subject, blah blah, blah. Fuck off.) I enjoy cups of tea. And biscuits. And toast. I like my PlayStation 3, particularly playing LittleBig Planet and Fifa and GTA. I like cider. Not just your standard run of the mill Stronbow, or even the like of Magners, but proper cider which actually comes from Apples. I recently had a bottle of Old Rascal, it was delicious. And there was a picture of a fox on the label. Speaking of foxes, I have a pet hamster called Alfie. The other week I thought he'd died but it turns out he'd gone into hibernation. The lazy sod. This is what he looks like when he's sitting in a cup. I support Aston Villa Football Club, and it's a rather nice time to do so. But I won't forget the previous years when it was all a little sour. I like to go out, I like to stay in, I like to do very little most of the time. I'm currently learning to drive, I don't know why I waited so long, it's brilliant! I work, but I don't like it. I am what's known as a Pensions Support Officer, which isn't as fancy as it sounds. It is bloody boring though. I'm looking for a new job, I currently want to be a librarian, so lets see where that goes.

I think that's all for now, so I shall toddle off and leave you the bask in the glory that is me while I work out if I did this thing properly...


Kym said...

you did it right.
just wondering, will you replace the contents of your wardrobe with librarian attire?
please don't.

Ben said...

Well, I already have a cardigan...
I'm thinking of growing a moustache..