Friday, 30 January 2009


Tea Appreciation Society!

Tea Appreciation Society Blog!

Bit of an update.

So, I've graduated! As exciting as that is, it's also a very scary prospect. I might have to check this, but I think it means I am now an official grown up. I can't be a grown up yet. I still don't really know what I want to do with my life, I'm skiving off work claiming 'food poisoning', my text message tone asks "gangsters, what's up guys?", I prefer to wear jeans and trainers to work, I still giggle at farts. In short, I am no grown up! I have two options now; I can cast off the shackles of immaturity, laugh in the face of uncertainty and chuffing well sort my life out. Or I can stay as I am and see how things work out. I think, for the time being, I'll stick with what I've got. I've notice things in my life have a habit of sorting themselves out if I just ignore them for long enough, I'm sure the same will be true in this situation.

What else has happened? I turned 23 on the same day as graduating. It was weird, people mostly forgot. I mostly forgot. It still feels like I haven't had a birthday, so if you want to buy me presents and stuff, I won't complain.
I'm still applying for jobs, despite what I just said about not wanting to grow up yet, I need a new job. The fact is, I've got until March at the latest in this job. I suspect it's not quite that long. I suppose that the risk with temping. Most of the stuff I'm applying for doesn't even interest me, but the fact that I have over a years experience doing the crappy admin work AND a degree will surely help me? I hope so anyway. I could do with the money...

In other news, I got bought a plant for Christmas and it's confusing me. This is what it's supposed to look like (left). However, it doesn't. Mine looks like this (right). I've had it over a month now, what's going on?? It looks like some sort of plant serpant.

Also, since the summer when we moved into house, we spotted a little cat hanging around the street, as cats do, but this cat only as three legs. We call him Tripod. Or Tripe for short (well, Dave tries to call him Trips but I'm not having that). One day he followed Luke into the house and every now and then he comes back! He is actually a pretty cool cat, he likes scratching himself on the rug and not drinking the milk we offer him (he must know he's lactose intolerant.) The only time I don't like him is when he eye's up Alfie's cage. I soon sort him out though.

And that's me for now. Oh, I've been messing about with the layout of this blog and what not. I hope it looks alright.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Chedders vs. Apples

On monday, I took an apple into work, I also bought a multi pack of Mini Chedders on my lunch break.

The apple is still there, the Chedders are not.

I know which I prefer.

Friday, 16 January 2009


Word up. I was just faffing around on my profile and spotted this little stat.

User Stats

On Blogger Since November 2008
Profile Views 15

Firstly, I've been here 3 months and I'm yet to post a blog. Secondly, who are these 15 people who have been viewing my nothingness?
These two things have led me to decide one thing; I am going to write a blog for those 15 viewers to view...
I need a cup of tea first. And to put some trousers on.

Right, sorted. Perhaps I should start by telling you about myself? My name is Ben, I am 8 days away from being 23 and a graduate of Creative Writing (easy, micky mouse subject, blah blah, blah. Fuck off.) I enjoy cups of tea. And biscuits. And toast. I like my PlayStation 3, particularly playing LittleBig Planet and Fifa and GTA. I like cider. Not just your standard run of the mill Stronbow, or even the like of Magners, but proper cider which actually comes from Apples. I recently had a bottle of Old Rascal, it was delicious. And there was a picture of a fox on the label. Speaking of foxes, I have a pet hamster called Alfie. The other week I thought he'd died but it turns out he'd gone into hibernation. The lazy sod. This is what he looks like when he's sitting in a cup. I support Aston Villa Football Club, and it's a rather nice time to do so. But I won't forget the previous years when it was all a little sour. I like to go out, I like to stay in, I like to do very little most of the time. I'm currently learning to drive, I don't know why I waited so long, it's brilliant! I work, but I don't like it. I am what's known as a Pensions Support Officer, which isn't as fancy as it sounds. It is bloody boring though. I'm looking for a new job, I currently want to be a librarian, so lets see where that goes.

I think that's all for now, so I shall toddle off and leave you the bask in the glory that is me while I work out if I did this thing properly...